点击 1040回复 12 原帖 05-21 10:50

转载:客户投诉某船东 放舱—涨价—强制取消—再涨价—再放舱

转自公众号 佚名出口商 GossipShipping










由于近一个月船东在非洲线上削减运力,为了防止运价暴涨,我的一些客户通过达飞的忠诚度计划在4.26远期预定了5.22 Ningbo - Luanda 40Hq的舱位,以减少运价波动对中小企业贸易的影响,提单号:NGP1128979 合约凭证号:QSPOT5797699,当时确认的运价是3600Usd,放舱邮件和合约凭证已留存,双方在对赌协议下完成放舱,亏舱费费率如图

在5.08的时候由于船东发现当时给的运价太低,临时涨价,邮件过来要求加SPGO $1000/unit + ENV04 720/40’HQ,考虑到出货需求保证对外贸易的通畅客户也同意了这个请求,此刻运价来到了3600+1000+720=5320Usd。以下是船东的邮件凭证。

接下来事情发展到第三阶段,在2024-5-15 21:38收到了船东发来的舱位取消邮件:


到了取消了这批舱位以后,本来官网上订购的5.22号的船本来是舱位售罄状态,取消我的舱位后又变成可售状态,此时是和客户被取消的是同一个船,价格却来到了Ningbo - Luanda 40Hq:7900Usd。客户迫于船东在市场上的垄断地位,为了维护中小企业在国际贸易上的物流通畅,只能再去订舱以验证船东所说的无舱可用的说法,在16号7:46以7900Usd的价格发起订舱,同时达飞再次以7900Usd的价格放了同一条船的舱位给到我,提单号为:NGP1221521 合约号:QSPOT6007485,放舱确认和合约价格凭证已留存。



According to feedback from readers, recent significant increases in shipping costs on key routes have been compounded by ongoing disruptions caused by detours and shortages of ships and containers. While these increases are typical market behavior, many improper actions have occurred under the guise of market activity, with frequent instances of arbitrary breaches of contract.

It has been reported that the following complaint letter has been sent to the relevant departments of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China, the Shanghai Shipping Exchange, and the Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission, citing issues with France's CMA CGM Group in recent times, and seeking supervision from the relevant authorities.

The situation unfolded as follows:

Due to a reduction in capacity by shipowners on the Africa route over the past month, some of my clients, in order to mitigate the impact of fluctuating freight rates on small and medium-sized enterprises' trade, booked space for Ningbo - Luanda 40HQ on ETD May 22 via CMA CGM's loyalty program on April 26.

The booking confirmation, with booking number NGP1128979 and contract voucher number QSPOT5797699, indicated a freight rate of 3600 USD. The booking confirmation and contract voucher are provided in Attachments 1 and 2, respectively. Both parties completed the booking under a hedging agreement. However, due to the shipowner's realization on May 8 that the previously agreed-upon rate no longer met their profit requirements, an email was sent requesting an additional SPGO $1000/unit + ENV04 720/40’HQ, resulting in a temporary price increase.

Considering the need to ensure smooth external trade, clients agreed to this request. Consequently, the freight rate rose to 5320 USD. The shipowner's email confirmation is provided in Attachment 1.2.

Subsequently, the situation escalated to the third stage. On May 15, 2024, at 21:38, a cancellation email for the booking was received from the shipowner, as seen in Attachment 1.3. Inquiry responses from relevant sales personnel at CMA CGM indicated that the cancellation was due to a shortage of available space, as noted in Attachment 1.4.

Following the cancellation, the originally fully booked vessel for May 22 suddenly became available for booking again, now priced at 7900 USD for Ningbo - Luanda 40HQ. Faced with the shipowner's dominant position in the market, clients were forced to rebook to verify the shipowner's claim of no available space.

Therefore, on May 16, at 7:46, a booking was made at the price of 7900 USD. Simultaneously, CMA CGM again offered the same vessel space at the price of 7900 USD. The booking confirmation and contract price voucher are provided in Attachments 3 and 4.

This sequence of events demonstrates CMA CGM's severe breach of commercial credibility, incrementally raising prices and reselling the same space at a higher price, contributing to the current situation where freight rates on the Africa route have skyrocketed from 3000 USD to 8000-10000 USD within a short span of two weeks. This situation severely affects the development of trade for small and medium-sized enterprises and disrupts supply chain efficiency.

At a time when our respected President is conducting state visits to France, it is inappropriate for a representative French company to engage in such behavior. The aforementioned circumstances are reported here with the earnest request for the relevant departments to supervise and urge rectification, ensuring fair treatment of our small and medium-sized enterprises in a disadvantaged environment.

支持 10 反对 0 回复 举报 沙发 05-21 10:53
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